Where do you live? Past, Present or Future.?

Hey Guys, so here are some quotes on the three time periods- Pasts, Present & Future.

Wednesday Words of Wisdom - Past, Present and Future
Past Present Future

Therefore, remember to live in the present the fullest and don’t think about the future much, just try to make it full of joy. And ya, don’t be sad over the past, it’s gone so try to learn from it. After learning, remember to enjoy what is happening around you and try to make the future bright.

I hope you get inspired by these wonderful quotes I found for you.

See Ya Soon..Have fun

International Yoga Day

International yoga day is celebrated every year on 21st of June. Yoga has it’s origin in India only. And that is why, The Indian Prime Minister ,Mr.Β Narendra Modi called for the adoption of June 21st as International Day of Yoga. Accepting the request, 21st was declared as the International Day of Yoga on December 11 in 2014, by United Nations General Assembly.


Yoga is something that everyone should practice. It relaxes the mind and helps our joints, muscles etc to develop. Yoga and meditation has so many asanas or exercises that everyone can practice the ones they prefer. Yoga not only relaxes the body but also the mind. Some days of doing yoga can get you into really good shape. Sometimes, it feels like who have the entire universe’s power in your hands.

Yoga includes warm ups, stretching, tense exercises and lot’s of fun and practice. πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Yoga helps improve our breathing, reduces aches, reduces pain in muscles and joints. It may take loads of time to get it right but practice makes a man perfect. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

So, never give up. 🚫 And keep trying. You can always start from easy asanas to difficult poses. πŸ“ˆ

Don’t forget to like, comment and follow my creative world for more exciting posts like this.

Bye guys, Have a great day πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Evening Tea

Hey all, so I just wanted to share some events of today. Around 6 or something like that, it started to rain. I don’t know the exact time because I came out a bit later. So, I come out out in my balcony and it is raining like heavens !! I am loving the cold atmosphere and how many people are popping out in their balconies. ( It was so beautiful ). I play some music, let my curly long black hair fly freely. It was like that for so much time. So peaceful! Then my mom and baby brother come. We enjoy a lot. The rain begins to stop. Still so cool. Then, my mom goes in to make some tea while I play with my brother. Dad comes and we enjoy the cool weather, tea and the atmosphere after the rain. I love moments like these. We stay some more time in the balcony and talk a lot. My brother is trying to chew food without teeth!!! After the rains, my friends etc tell and share pictures of rainbows spotted at their places. Such beautiful pics they were, I will attach some pics. Burt the thing was, there wasn’t a rainbow at my place…:[..haha. Still, the sky looked awesomely beautiful. I clicked some pictures of the sky at my place. I think they are an inspiration for art too. Nature sure is healing itself. :p..lol

So these were some pics of my place after the rain. These r some pics of my friends’.

Do share your experiences. Like, comment and suggest. Bye guys

Thank you

Answers of The Riddles

Hey all, remember that last to last post? And it’s riddles?…This post has the answers. Comment if u had answered correctly. The riddles were:

I am bored of being bored because being bored is boring!πŸ€“
Time for quizzes~
Q1. I never was but will be. No one ever saw me but everyone knows I exist.I give people motivation to make themselves better everyday. What am I?

Q2.If 1=5

Q3.What is that seven letter word containing thousands of letters?

Q4.How many letters are there in the alphabet?

Q5.What has six faces but does not wear makeup and, twenty-one eyes but cannot see?

Q6.What is seen in the middle of March and April, that cannot be seen in any of the other months?

Q7.What runs around the whole yard without moving?

Q8. I have no life but, I can die. What am I?

Q9.What goes up but never comes down?

Q10.Which building has the most stories?

Try to answer all the questions. Let us see how much you can scoreπŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘»

Friendship quiz!πŸ‘…

βˆ† Who am I for you?
βˆ† Where would you put me in your priority list?
βˆ† How much do I matter to you out of 10?
βˆ† What is the one thing you hate about me?
βˆ† What is the one thing you love about me?

This was just a simple quiz to cure our boredomπŸ‘ŠπŸ»

So, these were the riddles. You only have the answers for the friendship quiz. Below are the answers to rest of the riddles.

Q1. Tomorrow❗
Q2. 5=1 πŸ˜‚
Q3. Mailbox πŸ“­πŸ’Œ
Q4. There are 11 letters in “the alphabet”πŸ‘€
Q5. A dice🎲
Q6. The letter ‘R’ ❄️
Q7. Fence 🏑
Q8. Battery πŸ”‹
Q9. Your age ⚑
Q10. A library πŸ“š

Do u enjoy seeing my posts?…then comment.


U guys can even comment suggestions for the topics of posts…I am kinda running out of ideas,,,:)

Fun Things that can make boredom Run away….

Hi all, this is just a fun post….I hv some things for u to do…1st of all, u fill this fun quiz below…


It is a really fun quiz but it requires your name and e-mail..

In the previous post, I had told u some online games to play. Check them out if u haven’t till now.

The following is a list of riddles which u can solve. The credits are also given at the bottom of the post. You all can comment your answers. I will also show you how to comment anything.

I am bored of being bored because being bored is boring!πŸ€“

Time for quizzes~

Q1. I never was but will be. No one ever saw me but everyone knows I exist.I give people motivation to make themselves better everyday. What am I?

Q2. If 1=5

Q3.What is that seven letter word containing thousands of letters?

Q4. How many letters are there in the alphabet?

Q5. What has six faces but does not wear makeup and, twenty-one eyes but cannot see?

Q6. What is seen in the middle of March and April, that cannot be seen in any of the other months?

Q7.What runs around the whole yard without moving?

Q8. I have no life but, I can die. What am I?

Q9. What goes up but never comes down?

Q10. Which building has the most stories?

Try to answer all the questions. Let us see how much you can scoreπŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘»

Friendship quiz!πŸ‘…

βˆ† Who am I for you?
βˆ† Where would you put me in your priority list?
βˆ† How much do I matter to you out of 10?
βˆ† What is the one thing you hate about me?
βˆ† What is the one thing you love about me?

This was just a simple quiz to cure our boredomπŸ‘ŠπŸ»

Below are the links for some google games. Yes, I had given steps for online games in the previous post too, but these are different. These are google logo games. Have fun,…








Riddle quiz; Gauri Pandey

Google logo game links; Garima Kumar

And for adding their name to the credits and creating and uploading this post; Paridhi Gupta..lol

Now I am going to show you how to comment on any wordpress blog post..

If you are checking out the blog from your phone then:

So, you see that 1 comment thing underlined? You have to click that only. and it is under my name but instead of 1 comment, you will be able to see ” leave a comment”. πŸ™‚

While, if you are checking the blog from your laptop or desktop then:

You are able to see that underlined leave a comment option, right? click that to comment That option comes under every post in every blog.

So, you all will be wondering what comes after clicking the options. scroll down to see.

this appears on phone:

This is the window which comes
Now, simply comment

Via laptop or desktop:

This is what comes when u click the leave a comment option on your laptop

Now, you simply have to write a comment and click the “post comment” option

I guess this much typing is more than enough for today…now that I have told you how to comment..don’t forget to comment, XD

Thankyou for your support, don’t forget to view my blog every day..both of the blogs.


Online Games to play

Hi all, today I am showing you the link of some games to play. I am not saying to just stick to your desktop. But sometimes, we wanna play some thing on our computer, so I have some options for you. Below is the list of names of games and how to access them;

  • Dino Run : write the link “chrome://dino”…to play that no internet dino game.
  • Tic Tac Toe … just Search tic tac toe on google
  • Pac-Man (Search the name on google) …
  • Atari Breakout (Search the name on google) …
  • Zerg Rush (Search the name on google) …
  • Flight Simulator (Earth) …Guidelines given below
  • Android Game (Android) …Guidelines given below
  • Flappy Bird Clone (search the name on google)

Guidelines are given in the following link…


just press the above link….

Thankyou all..and as I have told you before..I have another blog whose link I will be sending after sometime.

Don’t forget to comment…Paridhi