Fun Things that can make boredom Run away….

Hi all, this is just a fun post….I hv some things for u to do…1st of all, u fill this fun quiz below…

It is a really fun quiz but it requires your name and e-mail..

In the previous post, I had told u some online games to play. Check them out if u haven’t till now.

The following is a list of riddles which u can solve. The credits are also given at the bottom of the post. You all can comment your answers. I will also show you how to comment anything.

I am bored of being bored because being bored is boring!πŸ€“

Time for quizzes~

Q1. I never was but will be. No one ever saw me but everyone knows I exist.I give people motivation to make themselves better everyday. What am I?

Q2. If 1=5

Q3.What is that seven letter word containing thousands of letters?

Q4. How many letters are there in the alphabet?

Q5. What has six faces but does not wear makeup and, twenty-one eyes but cannot see?

Q6. What is seen in the middle of March and April, that cannot be seen in any of the other months?

Q7.What runs around the whole yard without moving?

Q8. I have no life but, I can die. What am I?

Q9. What goes up but never comes down?

Q10. Which building has the most stories?

Try to answer all the questions. Let us see how much you can scoreπŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘»

Friendship quiz!πŸ‘…

βˆ† Who am I for you?
βˆ† Where would you put me in your priority list?
βˆ† How much do I matter to you out of 10?
βˆ† What is the one thing you hate about me?
βˆ† What is the one thing you love about me?

This was just a simple quiz to cure our boredomπŸ‘ŠπŸ»

Below are the links for some google games. Yes, I had given steps for online games in the previous post too, but these are different. These are google logo games. Have fun,…


Riddle quiz; Gauri Pandey

Google logo game links; Garima Kumar

And for adding their name to the credits and creating and uploading this post; Paridhi

Now I am going to show you how to comment on any wordpress blog post..

If you are checking out the blog from your phone then:

So, you see that 1 comment thing underlined? You have to click that only. and it is under my name but instead of 1 comment, you will be able to see ” leave a comment”. πŸ™‚

While, if you are checking the blog from your laptop or desktop then:

You are able to see that underlined leave a comment option, right? click that to comment That option comes under every post in every blog.

So, you all will be wondering what comes after clicking the options. scroll down to see.

this appears on phone:

This is the window which comes
Now, simply comment

Via laptop or desktop:

This is what comes when u click the leave a comment option on your laptop

Now, you simply have to write a comment and click the “post comment” option

I guess this much typing is more than enough for today…now that I have told you how to comment..don’t forget to comment, XD

Thankyou for your support, don’t forget to view my blog every day..both of the blogs.


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