Fitness and Exercise

Follow me on Pinterest…. StarUnicorn

Hi all, meeting after a long time. Sorry for the wait but today I have something interesting to share with you guys. So, we all know that in this situation we are not able to go out of our house, even avoid walking in parks and sitting in home, we are just stuck to gadgets and due to the yummy food which is made everyday, we are just not in shape. Fitness is not only for the purpose of looking good, but also for confidence. Below are ways through we can get back to shape.

So the ways are:

โ€ขWalk around your house for 15 mins or its your wish for how much time you wanna walk, but don’t forget to take breaks in between.

โ€ขNext thing you can do is to work out on any exercise machine u have for example, a treadmill. If u have one and feel bored while exorcising on it & so get off fast, you can play music or think about things, even pay attention to your surroundings.

โ€ขYou can do any type of dance style you know or even watch some dance workout videos.

This much for today, if you have any suggestions please comment in the comment section below every post. Even comment if you liked my blog and posts. Thankyou

And yes, if you give any suggestions, I will have your name in the credits with your suggestion in the next post. ๐Ÿ™‚

Bye guys…Have a nice day….. Stay home, Stay safe

True Friends and Besties

We all have many or even some friends. But, we only have quite a few friends who we consider our Besties, BFF’s or you can say best friends. Well, some have many friends of the BFF category, but as time passes, we sometimes see the bad in our good friend!! We all might have felt hurt by some or the other friend. Okay…let’s come to the topic. How do we know that the person we call our friend of even best friend, is actually a true friend? I will help ya….:)

Are they really your friend. No they’re not if:

(See all the points calmly, but research about your friendship a bit more before ending your friendship or confronting them…๐Ÿ˜ฎ)

1. The conversation is never equal.ย ย ย ย 

2. They only call if they want some thing.ย ย ย ย 

3. They put you down or make fun of you in front of others.   

4. You feel bad about yourself when you spent time with them.

5.  They are aggressively competitive.

6. They aren’t happy for you when good things happen.

7. They bring drama into your life.

8. They talk about you behind your back.

9. Your friendship feels like its built on conditionality.

10. Your friends bail on you.

11. They use your secrets against you and share them.

12. They are a bad influence and make you do things that get you into trouble.

13. They talk about other friends behind their back.

14. They bail when you need them the most.

15. They exclude you from things with mutual friends

Hey, be positive and make up with your friend ……Thankyou

# BFF’s

Plz do follow me on Pinterest… StarUnicorn ๐Ÿ™‚

By Paridhi

# challenge

Write #BFF on your Friends’ photographs on ur WhatsApp status.

Hug them whenever u meet them next…:)

Not in quarantine๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Corona (China) virus/ Covid-19

Corona virus is a virus which we all fear about. It was born in a city or village of China in December 2019. China kept it a secret for many days but it was somehow exposed. People say that China had made Corona virus to use it as a weapon..and u know what, China was directly or indirectly successful. Lately, you might have seen many myths, news, memes, jokes, videos etc upon this topic. Some tell the full forms other tell the truths. Many people are affected and many are also dying. People are losing their loved ones, relatives, friends,….We even have all schools, offices and most of the departments closed….Guys, please take it seriously but don’t drown in corona stress.

To save the world and its people and animals, stay in your home, don’t forward any fake news as it causes fear, don’t until you have done a research on it. Follow what doctors and our Prime minister says. We all, as truthful Indians, have to and already contribute in defeating this virus. We have to respect the doctors and other officers etc, who work even during this time just for us.

So guys, wash your hands nicely with soap and apply hand sanitizers often. Well, lemme end by telling ya the full form of Co .vi.d 19 (Covid 19) :

Corona virus disease 19

Thankyou all… By Paridhi

Another Blog

Oh, Hi people…You already are familiar with this blog…but to divide things I have started another blog….Its name is fantasyisland. In that, I will be posting about my hobbies other than art, so be ready ๐Ÿ˜€

To end the confusion, I will post my art and ideas related to art on this blog. Also, on this blog I will be posting general concepts, my ideas, suggestions etc….While on that blog, you will see mostly pictures related to gardening, swimming, tennis, cooking etc..sometimes art also (pics) ..๐Ÿ˜Šโ˜บ

Thankyou all for your support

Regards Paridhi


Online Classes

Hey guys, so as you all know, we all students have to attend online classes whether on Zoom or any other app. I have came across many memes and messages. Sometimes the messages are that the online classes app hacks people . The meme which I see the most is: in 2020 skipping classes be like…. Audio and video off ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I had even saw a meme which says: saving the world in 1940s ( army men fighting) saving the world in 2020 ( man checking his mobile while at home)๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

So as you all know, corona is a real jerk which should be taken seriously but without stress…we will discuss about corona virus sometime later. This much for now.


Passing time during Quarantine

We all have to stay in our home due to corona…right? Though we have social media, online classes, homework, studies,devices etc…But still we get bored at a point. At that time, we can play games with our family, call our friends, do online puzzles and quizzes… Yes, there are many apps for quizzes, I am not doing an advertisement, but giving a suggestion. There are many things you can do like fulfilling your hobbies etc, but let’s come to the point… Go to google and search google word coach…it is a quiz game which I love to play. It even enhances our english…So try it anytime…..there are many things to do so my dear friends, don’t get bored…๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜Š
